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About Us


Who are we?

We are a group of passionate PhD students from across Colleges and Schools.

We want to connect, build a community, and have an impact. 



What do we do?


We organise regular events, centred around 5 pillars: career, community, empowerment, research, and wellbeing. We communicate with the University and key players to make your voices heard. We give you a platform to explore and make the best of your PhD experience!



Why should you get involved?


  • To receive information about events and opportunities.

  • To become a part of a large community with the opportunity to network and meet new people.

  • To gain access to our logistical infrastructure to start your own group, initiative, or event. As an affiliated society we can book rooms, have a large audience, and a great working relationship with the SRC. 

  • To advocate for the needs and desires of PhD researchers with the university in collaboration with the SRC. The more people behind us, the louder our voice gets.

  • Also, why not it’s FREE!


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